Szczęść Boże!
Otrzymaliśmy od Ks. Biskupa Paula Mc Aleenana odpowiedzialnego za duszpasterstwo emigracyjne z ramienia Konferencji Episkopatu Anglii i Walii z prośbą o zachęcenie wszystkich do zaszczepienia się przeciw Covid 19.
Ks. Prałat Stefan Wylężek
Rektor Polskiej Misji Katolickiej w Anglii i Walii
Dear Monsignor Stefan,
I hope you are safe at this time which remains a challenge for us all. Despite the restrictions I hope you were able to enjoy the Feasts of Christmas.
In my capacity as Bishop with responsibilities for ethnic chaplaincies I am receiving much correspondence relating to minority communities and COVID-19 vaccination.
In a message from the Director of Public Health in Hertfordshire he included the following line
My biggest worry is the communities like Poles who are not registered with GPS and who therefore will not get the vaccine until NHS sorts out a pathway
NHS Harringay have also corresponded stating that they are concerned about the hesitancy of some in the Polish community to accept the vaccine.
You may already be aware of this concern.
At present I am working with different chaplaincies exploring ways in which they can encourage their members to be vaccinated.
In the meantime I would be grateful if you make the priests of the PCM aware of concerns of the health authorities, though you may have already done so. They could also disseminate the message that reception of the vaccine is being encouraged by the Church of England and Wales and encourage people to receive it. Pope Francis himself of course is giving witness to the importance of vaccination.
Should the Polish Catholic Mission need any assistance in this regard I am sure you will let me know.
With Best Wishes for the New Year.
+Paul McAleenan
Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster
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+ Henryk Pytel – 7 gr.
piątek 18:00+ Henryk Pytel – 8 gr.
sobota 19:00+ Henryk Pytel – 9 gr.
niedziela 10:00Nelson + Jan Zijak – 15 rocznica , Anna Zarzecka – 15
niedziela 13:30+ Eugenia Maksel – rocznica śmierci.
niedziela 19:0044 Preston New Road BB2 6AH
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Sobota | 19.00 |
Niedziela | 19.00 |
France Street BB2 1LX
Niedziela | 10.00 |
10 Cobham Road BB5 2AD
I Niedziela Miesiąca | 13.00 |
Bradley Hall Road BB9 8HE
II Niedziela Miesiąca | 13.30 |
IV Niedziela Miesiąca | 13.30 |